History - Adonai Domine Deus

May 25, 2023 (DomMocquereau)

fixed accent on Adonái, added remarks

"(c4) A(e')d\u00f3o(f)na\u00e1(g)i(gf) *() D\u00f3(ed)mi(g)ne(hj) De(j_)us,(j'_) (;) ma(i_[oh:h])gne(j_k_) et(j_i) mi(h)r\u00e1(hji)bi(hig)lis,(g.) (;) qui(g) de(hi)d\u00ed(i)sti(j) sa(hg)l\u00fa(hi)tem(i.) in(e_[uh:l]f) ma(g)nu(ge) f\u00e9(f)mi(e)nae,(d.) (:) ex(d_e)\u00e1u(g)di(ge) pre(g!hwi)ces(h) ser(g)v\u00f3(e_[uh:l]f)rum(g) tu(ghg)\u00f3(e.)rum.(e.) (::)"

Different from the score 1947 (Liber Usualis) on the word 'magne'. It might be an error in one of the books, but which one? (25/5/23: the 1934 edition of the Liber Usualis, 780, agrees with the antiphonal, and this matches the Verona chant in mode 3 as well). Also the accent on 'Adónai' should be on 'á'. (corrected 25/5/23; this is more obviously a mistake)